Thursday, August 26, 2010

Red Raspberries...Delicious!

Red Raspberries...Nothing could be more inviting on a late Summer's day, than a Red Raspberry Bush... laden with so many berries, the branches bow, to you, just begging you to lighten their load. Several years ago, my friend, Pam, brought us out a Red Raspberry start... It has grown to be about 10 feet square.
We had visitors last night, and refreshments were in order... The Raspberries were a lovely touch...I pulled the old Rooster Pummel, from the cupboard, along with a mixture of stemware, threw a few berries in, gently mashed them, added a little ice and Ginger Ale... Voila! My friends were very impressed... and... refreshed!
You can ad a bit of Red Raspberry flavored Vodka, and have a perfect, hot Summer Evening Chill!
'til next time....
Barb C.

1 comment:

  1. So delicious sounding especially with the vodka! Makes me thirsty right now.
