Disgusted... That's what Polly was, this morning, when I took this image of the Rope Bed, with the Feather Tick, on it...When I found this song, yesterday, by John Denver... 'Grandma's Feather Bed', I had to snap a picture of this bed, again... The Old Rope Bed, sits up tall, anyway.... then you throw a feather bed, or'tick', on it... and you are up to nearly 4 feet tall! I remember my sister Chery, talking about Grandma, and when she would stay with her...on the Farm.... Grandma would throw little Chery, up in the air, and she'd drop onto that Magnificent Feather Bed.... again and again... I wish I would have known my Grandparents.... I have not slept in this bed, yet... it's in Justin's old room.... I'll have to get a step stool, for Polly! Liz was over a while back, and checked it out.... She didn't get on it... she, like me... just stood there...in awe...You want to just jump in... but... you don't want to mess it up....
I have a friend to go see this morning... and... I'm already running behind... what's new....
Hope Everyone has an Amazing Day... and Safe Travels...
I didn't know my grandparents either but my aunt had feather beds & they were wonderful. And I still love John Denver. We still Have several of his "albums" & always listen to John & the Muppets Christmas album. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jan